
Can Rabbit Eat Wheatgrass?

Since they are herbivores, rabbits may eat a wide variety of foods. This habit may seem strange to rabbit owners with little to no knowledge about rabbit care.  

In addition to carrots, a rabbit’s diet also contains vegetables and certain fruits. By rotating its diet and giving it these various veggies, you can provide your rabbit with the essential nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

One of the significant ways to ensure that your rabbit gets all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy is by feeding it hay. This means that rabbits survive mainly on vegetables. You are advised to stick to the recommended serving sizes of these vegetables as overfeeding a rabbit can negatively affect its digestive system.

As a pet rabbit owner, you ought to know what to feed them and the appropriate portion. That’s what this article is for – you will find out whether providing your rabbit wheatgrass is a good idea or not. Let’s get into it! 

Can Rabbit Eat Wheatgrass?

Can Rabbit Eat Wheatgrass?

Rabbits have a strong interest in plants, and because of this, you might catch them gnawing on any plant they come across.

Even though several plants could be poisonous to rabbits when consumed, wheatgrass does not fit into this category.

So, yes, you can feed wheatgrass to your rabbit, but you must measure it to ensure that you don’t exceed the recommended dosage. Also, Wheatgrass has several vitamins and nutrients that can boost the health of your rabbit, which makes them very safe to eat. 

While rabbits seem to enjoy wheatgrass, you must consider their weight and age before feeding it to them. That’s because the rabbit’s age and weight will help you determine the right amount of wheatgrass to feed it.

Do Rabbits Enjoy Eating Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass is known to be a favorite among rabbits. This can be seen in the way most wild rabbits won’t miss the chance to gorge themselves on some wheatgrass.

Furthermore, rabbits’ preference for wheatgrass may be because this plant tastes excellent or because rabbits overeat hay grass.

Although it is impossible to know why rabbits enjoy wheatgrass, you can be sure that your pet rabbit wouldn’t miss an opportunity to nibble on some wheatgrass.

Is There a Required Portion of Wheatgrass to Feed A Rabbit Overtime

If you start out by introducing wheatgrass to your rabbit’s diet, you might want to stick to giving them 15 grams.

You wouldn’t want to starve your pet rabbit for the essential vitamins and nutrients it needs, nor would you like to damage its digestive system by giving it too much wheatgrass. That’s why it’s best to introduce your rabbit to wheatgrass around 12 weeks. But you must submit it gradually and start on a limited scale.

It is best to start with a smaller portion of the wheatgrass and then gradually increase it as your pet rabbit adapts. The quantity to increase depends greatly on the size and weight of your pet rabbit.

Ideally, it would help if you only feed your pet rabbit wheatgrass not more than twice daily. 

What are the Risks Of Overfeeding Your Rabbit With Wheatgrass?

It is never a good idea to overfeed your rabbit with the same food regularly. Instead, limiting the food by switching or combining it with other foods is the best way.

That said, the following are some drawbacks of overfeeding your rabbit with wheatgrass:

1. Diarrhea

When your rabbit overfeeds on wheatgrass, it might develop diarrhea. Your rabbit may also begin to discharge fetal waste unusually rapidly.

With the occurrence of diarrhea, your rabbit will most likely mess up their habitat, thus causing you to clean regularly. That isn’t something you want to be involved with. 

This is why you must display caution when deciding how much wheatgrass to feed.

2. Gastrointestinal Stasis

Your rabbit can also undergo gastrointestinal stasis if you overfeed it with wheatgrass. Frequently, you’re advised to feed your rabbit more hay than wheatgrass. That’s because wheatgrass does not have the same amount of fiber characteristics as hay; hence can lead to gastrointestinal stasis.

3. Uneaten cecotropes 

Lastly, consuming wheatgrass rather than hay in large quantities can cause uneaten cecotropes in your rabbit. The insufficient amount of fiber in wheatgrass can result in soft cecotropes.

When To Not Feed Your Rabbit Wheatgrass

As a rabbit owner, keeping a close eye on your pet might help determine whether its digestive system has changed and whether it is in pain.

The primary reason you might be thinking about changing your pet rabbit’s food is a worry for its digestive system. It may be necessary to reduce the amount of wheatgrass when you notice that your pet rabbit begins to defecate constantly.

It is okay to reduce its diet to hay and monitor how things develop; If it becomes constant and you do not notice a change,  you should go to the vet because stomach issues in rabbits are not a good sign.

Similar Post: Can Bunnies Eat Cherries?

Are There Alternatives To Wheatgrass?

Do you find that your pet rabbit’s digestive system doesn’t respond well to wheatgrass? It might be because you are substituting wheatgrass for your rabbit’s other healthy food sources. 

Wheatgrass contains dietary nutrients as well, but it should only be given to your rabbit on occasion as a special treat. There are even better diet options for your pet rabbit that are highly advised and will balance all of its nutritional requirements. Let’s see some of them below:

1. Greens

Numerous plants can be considered “greens” that are acceptable for your rabbit to eat. Nonetheless, it’s not advisable to just choose any greens and give them to the rabbit. This will prevent avoidable harm from coming your rabbits’ way. 

In light of this, spinach, celery, basil, beet greens, dandelion greens, watercress, carrot tops, and a variety of other green vegetables are among the greens that fall into this group.

2. Mint

You can also add mint plants to your rabbit’s diet and occasionally top it off with peppermint leaves.

It is, therefore, more easily accessible quality hay during the colder months.

3. Orchard Grass

Although it may seem less rough,  orchard grass contains high fiber and low protein. If you own a fussy rabbit, it would be best to blend the orchard grass with Timothy hay and feed the mix to your rabbit. This is so you can reduce any digestive complications that might occur as a result of feeding your rabbit just one grass. 

4. Raspberries 

Your rabbit can eat raspberries as long as it’s up to 7 months old. If you’re opting for raspberries as an alternative, limit feeding to 1 to 2 times weekly. 

5. Grapes

Grape is one of the best treats you can give to your rabbit. Notwithstanding, if you have an obese rabbit, don’t allow your rabbit to consume grapes as it has high sugar content.  

Final Thoughts

Being a first-time rabbit owner can be challenging because there is much to learn and remember, especially when feeding your pet rabbit.

You wouldn’t want to do it wrong because doing so might lead to a lot of self-blame and possibly a health issue for your pet rabbit.

Knowing the excellent grass and vegetables to feed your pet rabbit is essential since, although they are herbivorous creatures, rabbits cannot ingest just any plant.

It’s also a good idea to understand more about the appropriate proportion of your pet rabbit’s dietary supplements.

Before acquiring a rabbit, it is vital to arm oneself with all the necessary knowledge regarding its food. Hopefully, this article guides you correctly.