Plums are a delicious fruit with lovely outer color and flavor. The primary reason people wonder if they are fit for rabbits to consume is that most humans frequently eat them in the summer to maintain a healthy body system.
Typically, a rabbit is a curious animal that won’t hesitate to nibble on anything within its reach. But as a rabbit parent, you must try to control whatever they consume, including dangerous plants.
Since plums are tasty fruits, rabbits love and can eat them at will. However, eating too many plums can be quite unhealthy for rabbits because they cannot effectively absorb carbs.
Also, rabbits prefer a diet heavy in fiber, and because plums contain so much natural sugar, only infrequent feeding of plums is beneficial.
We’ll go into more detail about the health advantages of plums, including when to start giving your rabbit plums. Keep reading to discover more!
What are Plums?
Plums are medium-sized fruits with a smooth exterior and tasty interior. They often come in various species, yet they are all similar. Because they contain a lot of sugar, plums shouldn’t be taken in huge quantities.
They have trace amounts of fiber, calcium, vitamin c, and other micronutrients. For rabbits, plums contain several health advantages that can not be overlooked.
Are Plums Safe for Your Rabbits?
Yes. Plums contain a lot of sugar, so rabbits should eat a lot. Although plums are among the foods that rabbits may safely consume, you should understand that all fruits should be given to them in moderation.
Like other rabbit parents, you may want to treat your rabbit like a regular human. But you must know that the rabbit’s digestive tract is very different from that of humans.
By eating lots of plums, rabbit consumes an unhealthy amount of natural sugar, which can cause them to experience some gastrointestinal issues. Additionally, plums have high water content and can make your rabbit bloaty.
How Many Plums Can Be Given To a Bunny?
Your rabbit won’t need more than one to two tablespoons of fruit throughout the day. All you need to do is cut up a plum and feed your rabbit a couple of pieces weekly; remember to be cautious if it’s your first time offering your bunny plums.
Furthermore, you need to factor in your rabbit’s weight as that affects how many plums they should eat. For instance, if your rabbit weighs about 10 pounds, give him 1–2 teaspoonfuls of plum.
Heavier rabbits can receive an increase of up to 12 kilograms or less. So, to prevent GI problems, start with smaller dosages and gradually increase them.
Whatever you do, plums should never replace regular healthy meals.
How Should I Give Plums To My Bunnies?
You can give fresh or dried plums to your pet bunnies but always ensure that the dried amount is 1/4th of the fresh one.
Like any new diet, begin with a small number of plums, especially if your bunny is under three months old. This will enable you to see how your rabbit’s gut reacts the following morning.
All you need to do is wash the plums under running water to get rid of any poison, chemical, or herbicide residues before feeding them to your rabbit.
You can use puzzle objects to give them plum chunks to motivate them to use their lavatory or allow them to form a close bond with you whenever they play.
At What Age Can Rabbits Start Eating Plums?
You can start giving your bunnies plums once or twice each week when they are between 7 weeks and seven months old.
From 1 to 5 years old, offer rabbits no more than two tablespoons per 6Ibs, and beyond six years, consult a veterinarian for more guidance.
When given sugary treats, young bunnies less than seven months are more prone to stomach issues. Therefore, take care not to provide them with more plums than is necessary.
Health Benefits Of Giving Plums To Your Bunny
Generally, fruits are a healthy part of your rabbit’s diet. By feeding them plums, here are a few benefits your rabbit stands to gain:
Healthy Vitamins
One of the most common advantages of plums is the healthy supply of vitamins A, C, and E, amongst other beneficial elements that will aid in keeping their health in good shape.
In essence, they protect and strengthen your rabbit’s immune system. These vitamins are also in charge of improving your bunny’s ability to reproduce.
Proper Vision
The vitamin A content in plums will help improve your rabbit’s vision.
Dangers Of Overfeeding Your Rabbits With Plums
Here are some risks associated with overfeeding your rabbit with plums:
1. Gastrointestinal Stasis
As a result of the low amount of fiber in plums, overfeeding them to your bunny in place of grass and pellets could result in GI stasis. You don’t want that to happen.
2. Uneaten Cecotropes
When rabbits consume a lot of plums rather than hay, soft uneaten cecotropes too are possible. Because there is no fiber present, this can result in softer cecotropes.
3. Dental Issues
Plums contain a lot of sugar, so feeding your bunnies a lot of them could result in dental issues. You should always give your rabbits a small portion to prevent tooth issues.
4. Diarrhea
There is a possibility of diarrhea when bunny owners and caregivers feed them with excessive amounts of plums which can become toxic to their gut and result in diarrhea.
What Can I Feed My Rabbits In Place of Plums
As a rabbit owner or caregiver, you should consider giving your bunnies various other food choices that are obtainable in their natural environment. Plums are nutritious to give to your rabbits in moderation.
If you’re uncertain where to start, you can feed them non-leafy veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, and melons.
You can also try out a lot of other healthy fruits and vegetable options such as:
- Apple
- Nectarine
- Grape
- Bell pepper
- Strawberries
- Melon
- Cucumber
- Blackberries
- Pear
- Cranberries
- Watermelon
- Orange
- Raspberry
- Cherries etc
Can Pregnant Rabbit Eat Plums?
Yes, just like regular rabbits, you can give your pregnant rabbits plums to eat. Always ensure to create a balance; don’t make plums the main food for your rabbits. Instead, include it as a treat.
Likewise, plums can be consumed by nursing rabbit parents, but they must be clean and cut into little pieces. Remember, it should not be given in large quantities.
Related Post: Can Rabbit Eat Frozen Mango?
Can Bunnies Eat Plum Leaves?
Plum leaves, twigs, and stems are toxic to rabbits and should not be taken by them. Furthermore, they are quite poisonous and can harm your rabbit’s health. Any fruit that has a single seed, its leaves, and stems are dangerous for bunnies.
Notwithstanding, due to the numerous seeds these fruits contain, you can allow your rabbit to have stems and leaves of grapes, apples, or apricots.
Final Thought
In all, you must note that all foods, aside from hay, can only be eaten in moderate quantities by your rabbit.
In the case of plums, they are nutritious; ensure that you remove the seeds, peel them, and mash them to a pulp before feeding your rabbit.
Fruits including watermelon, oranges, apples without seeds, berries, cherries, limes, and many others are nutritious to rabbits. But hay, grass pellets, and leaves should be their primary food sources.
Do you have any experience with feeding your rabbit plums? You can share with us below.