If you are a new rabbit owner or want to know more about your pet, the most important thing to know is her sleep schedule. It is surprising to some people that rabbits need almost 11 hours of sleep daily.
However, on average, a rabbit may sleep for 8 hours daily. When rabbits are young, they must sleep a lot to grow and develop properly. As they get older, they need less sleep. But even adult rabbits still need to sleep for several hours each day.
Another interesting fact about a rabbit’s sleep schedule is the time at which they are mostly found asleep. Most people think that rabbits are nocturnal, which means that they are awake the whole night. The truth is that the rabbits are active only at dawn and dusk! At other times, they may just be lying down, resting, or sleeping.
A bunny’s sleep schedule is something you would want to know before keeping one as a pet. if you’re now aware of their sleeping habits, you may end up disturbing their natural routine. Let’s find out more about a rabbit’s sleep schedule so you can make sure they stay healthy and safe.

When Are Rabbits the Most Active?
As bunnies are always looking out for their predators and feel quite insecure sometimes, they know that their predators are most active during the day or at night. Rabbits find less danger in feeding in twilight and also in the middle of the day when it gets too hot. That is why they are the most active during these hours.
Rabbits cannot regulate their body temperatures well in very hot conditions. This is another reason for them to sleep or rest during the daytime. However, they can be active during the day if there is not too much noise or activity going on around them.
Rabbits also sleep for short periods of time throughout the day and night. They usually take several naps lasting 10-20 minutes each. In between naps, they will eat, play, and groom themselves. Rabbits are most active in the evening, so their naps during the day help them conserve energy.
How Long Do Rabbits Sleep?
The average sleep of a bunny is between seven to twelve hours daily. But the sleep pattern they have is quite different from humans. They need to be alert to any danger whatsoever and are very light sleepers. They wake up easily by even a small sound, so in this way, they have shorter periods of sleep.
When you search on the web, you will come across the sleep hours of a bunny given as 8.4 hours, but the truth is that scientists have observed that the sleep routine of a rabbit is 11.4 hours a day on average.
It’s true that rabbits use a lot of energy to hop around and play when they are awake. So, they need to lie down often and rest to recharge themselves.
How to Tell if a Rabbit is Sleeping?
Scientists use polygraph recordings to determine whether an animal is sleeping or simply lying down with its eyes closed, but the rabbits are not quite wired up for this technique.
So, how can you tell if your rabbit is sleeping? There are a few tell-tale signs that you can look for. For any other animal, you would observe fully closed eyes, ears down, and stillness to guess that they are taking a nap.
With rabbits, it’s a little different. First off, they don’t sleep with their eyes fully closed. Secondly, since they are never in a deep sleep, they may wake up with a start.
The following five signs can help you tell whether your pet is sleeping properly or not.
- There would be no movement that you could notice. The rabbit will be in a still position for a long time. Even though a rabbit can fall asleep in various types of positions, if she is not moving, it indicates that she’s sleeping.
- The ears of your bunnies will be relaxed. It’s harder to tell with a lop because her ears would always be relaxed. If your bunny’s ears are up, it indicates that they are wide awake and alert. Upon sleeping, the ears will be lying against their head.
- The nose wouldn’t be twitching. Bunnies tend to wiggle their noses whenever they get a chance while staying awake, but not during their sleep.
- The breathing rate of a sleeping bunny will be quite slower. This usually doesn’t get noticed unless you are close enough. Rabbits have a slow breathing rate like humans when they are sleeping properly.
- Some bunnies even snore while they are in a deep sleep. It’s rare, but it’s possible. So, this is another sign you can look for to tell if your bunny is sleeping.
Where Do Rabbits Sleep?
Wild rabbits sleep in their burrows, which are small tunnels that they dig in the ground. These burrows provide rabbits with a safe place to sleep and hide from predators. In addition, the temperature in a burrow is usually cooler than the temperature outside, which helps keep rabbits cool in the summer.
Rabbits build warrens in the wild by digging deep. These warrens are up to nine feet underground and are a place for rabbits to rest and also make nests for their young ones. Warrens usually have entry and exit points so the bunnies can flee whenever they feel insecure to a safe place.
Domestic bunnies typically look for safe and quiet areas in the home to sleep. These areas are chosen to feel secure and have a similar effect to a warren. The pet bunny often hides under or behind furniture in the house to search for a safe place where they can sleep. Bunnies try to avoid open spaces because they feel insecure feeling that predators can pose a threat to them.
If you have several rabbits at home and they get along nicely, then they will all huddle and sleep together. This way, they feel more secure by being close to each other and can deal with the predators together.
What is the Ideal Temperature for a Rabbit to Sleep?
Rabbits living in the wild make burrows to avoid scorching heat and conserve heat during winter. By having a fur coat, it can be said that bunnies prefer a little colder temperature than humans but they are also comfortable with temperatures tolerable for humans which allows them to sleep in your household comfortably.
The ideal temperature for bunnies is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is comfortable for them and will keep them healthy. There are two main reasons why this temperature range is ideal for bunnies: it keeps them from getting too hot or too cold and prevents them from getting sick.
If you can maintain such a temperature at home, you don’t have to worry about your bunny’s sleep habits. However, she may feel disturbed and uneasy if it’s too cold or too hot.
Do Bunnies Sleep Alone Or in Groups?
Most bunnies prefer to sleep among a group of rabbits to ensure more safety and security during sleep hours. Rabbits are very social and happiest when they are surrounded by at least one more rabbit. Though bunnies sleep best in groups, they can also comfortably sleep alone.
In the wild, bunnies snuggle together and sleep well, reflecting a sense of safety in the warren. At home, bunnies can get used to sleeping alone.
Usually, it’s not recommended to keep a single bunny as a pet. if a bunny is sleeping alone, she may not sleep as deeply and can be easily awoken by noise or movement. Having a friend nearby also gives them someone to watch their back and makes them feel more secure.
How Do Rabbits Sleep?
Bunnies are social creatures that enjoy the company of others. They sleep better and feel more secure when they have a friend nearby. Bunnies are also very social creatures that enjoy grooming, playing, and cuddling with others.
Since rabbits are constantly on the lookout for predators, this means that they do not get a lot of deep sleep. Their sleep may also be disturbed even by a little activity or noise, so you should make sure they feel completely safe and relaxed when they sleep.
The sleep cycles may differ from one rabbit to another, but mostly they all have a similar sleep schedule. Some rabbit owners find their sleep patterns very quirky, and they might be alarmed over it, but this is a normal routine for these adorable creatures, so no need to fuss about it.
It can rightly be said that pet rabbits sleep more than wild ones. Domestic pets feel more secure at home and sleep more because there is no stress or danger. In the wild, bunnies are exposed to their predators more, so they sleep less.
Bunnies tend to take a nap in chunks and not in a full stretch. As mentioned earlier, rabbits are very light sleepers and are almost always awake. And yes, they can snore just like humans, so you shouldn’t be surprised by that.
Rabbits have a unique and interesting sleep schedule that helps them avoid predators and take advantage of opportunities to eat and play. This sleep schedule is beneficial for them and helps them stay healthy as well.
Bunnies love their sleep in a safe place where they can relax and unwind. They have different sleep patterns and habits, unlike humans and other animals. They mostly prefer to sleep when they feel less risk of a predator attacking them. They may sleep for very long hours in areas where they feel more secure.
It will be amazing for new rabbit owners to know some strange sleep habits of rabbits, but it is very normal. If you find that something unusual is going on, you can always rush to the vet.
And finally, the next time you see a rabbit taking a nap, remember that she is not just sleeping; she is also recharging her batteries, staying safe, and growing properly!