What type of flowers comes back every year?
Flowers are the best decoration that we can have in our garden and in our home.
Some flowers survive for a short periods (they are called annuals), while others can live for many years with the necessary care (they are called perennials).
In this article I will give you a list of perennial flowers, that is, they bloom every year.
What type of flowers come back every year
Gaillardia is a genus of perennials native to North America.
It belongs to the Asteraceae family.
It tolerates heat very well and can grow even in the poorest soils.
It is easy to grow and brings exceptional warm tones to our garden.
It blooms already from the first year that we sow its seeds.
Veronica produces fantastic flower spikes up to 18 cm in length in a beautiful blue color.
In cool weather areas, it will prefer a sunny location, while in warm weather locations it will be better to find them a place with some shade.
They are very good in the first row of any massif because they are not very high, about 30-60 cm.
Farinaceous Sage
The farinaceous sage, also known as blue sage, grows almost up to a meter in height and stands out for the intense blue of its flowers.
Blooms from spring to late summer.
It needs loose, slightly sandy soil, and therefore well-drained. It must be rich in organic matter. It prefers sun and warm temperatures.
The Pentas
The Penta is a shrub with small white, lilac, pink or red flowers that are grouped into beautiful and fluffy clusters.
This ornamental plant is perfect for the garden, where it will be showy and striking even in the coldest times of the year, reaching up to 60 cm.
You should not worry too much about their care, with three weekly irrigations and good drainage will have enough.
Geranium is a plant that blooms throughout the year and does not require excessive care, as it is one of the most popular hardy outdoor plants.
During the summer months, it needs you to water it almost daily and add a little fertilizer every month so that this plant is nourished by a series of vitamins and minerals that help it flourish.
Verbena is a colorful plant that requires continuous sun and moderate daily watering, either in a pot or directly on the garden soil.
The greatest bloom is from late spring to late summer, but if the right conditions are maintained it can flower all year without difficulty.
African Violet
Another flowering plant that you can enjoy throughout the year is the so-called African violet.
It is an indoor plant that needs an area with enough light to be able to grow without problems.
During the summer months, it needs a watering frequency of 3 times a week, while in winter it is enough once every two weeks.
To fully enjoy its flowers, you need to apply fertilizer once every 15 days.
The genus Áster is made up of about 600 different species.
Among them we can find flowers of many different colors, from white to purple through a wide variety of yellows, oranges, and reds.
Their flowering period is also very long and they are easy to grow plants.
The astilbe has thick deep green foliage and curious pink, white or red feathery flowers.
It is ideal for humid and shady spaces. It reaches 90 cm in height and is very decorative.
The Coreopsis genus also gives us a lot where to choose from in terms of plant size and flower color.
Coreopsis Grandiflora produces yellow flowers and is excellent for the center of a massif.
It is grown in full sun and is not demanding on the soil. It tolerates drought well.
Water Lily
The water lily or Siberian lily adds color to flowerbeds in early summer.
Then it is a very interesting vertical element. It needs a lot of humidity although once established they can tolerate light droughts. It is excellent as a cut flower.
The fleshy leaves and bright flowers make sedum a popular perennial.
It is very easy to grow and offers us some original flowers at the end of the season when almost all the other flowers have already disappeared.
Chrysanthemum can be grown both in the ground and in a pot.
The flowers can be yellow, orange, purple, white, or red. It is an excellent plant for a fall garden.
The plant dies at the end of the season and reappears in the spring, although it only does so for a few seasons. Then you have to replant it.
Altea or Rosa de Syria
The altea or Syrian rose, Hibiscus syriacus, can grow up to 2-4 meters in height.
And only in one season. You just need a sunny spot and rich, slightly moist soil. It will not develop until the soil reaches sufficient temperature.
This beautiful flower is also called Peruvian Lily and is a hybrid of the evergreen, it has beautiful colors with purple, yellow and orange being the protagonists.
If you want to cut these flowers to put in a vase with water they will last quite well as long as you take care of them properly.
Aster x frikartii
These flowers are called “the flowers of the future” because they are very resistant plants and can tolerate adversities and even different types of soil.
This flower has a beautiful lavender-blue color that will not go unnoticed in your garden.
Echinacea (Echinacea)
This plant has a very colorful flower and is also very hardy.
It has pink and purple colors with a copper center that will undoubtedly be the delight of your garden.
This flower with so much color is a great flower to give to someone you love very much because it is undoubtedly a detail that will not be forgotten.
It has nothing to do with the traditional flowers that are given as roses or tulips.
Myosotis sylvatica
This beautiful perennial with wonderful blue flowers is ideal for a semi-shaded garden because although they are perennial and hardy they prefer milder climates.
This plant undoubtedly has a bluish color that transmits calm and peace, so I could not resist decorating my home with these beautiful flowers.
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Lavender produces one of the most aromatic and beautiful flowers on the planet.
Not only is it ideal for planting and coloring the garden, but it is also a plant that is easy to grow and endures good sun and drought.
Also, enjoy well-drained land, that is, they do not accumulate excess water.
It is also favored by land saturated with mature organic matter or compost.
La Cavallina
It is a plant that blooms throughout the year both in a pot and in the garden.
It is a beautiful plant that mixes different colors giving a lively and cheerful touch to any corner. Of course, you need daily watering and also exposure to the sun for at least six hours a day.
Begonia is a wonderful plant that will help you give a lot of color to your terrace or garden.
It is a plant that has quite large flowers and very different colors.
It should be in a fairly well-lit area of the house and watering should be moderate.
The compost should be done every two weeks and without exceeding it, since you could cause some damage to the plant.
The cyclamen
This is a beautiful herbaceous plant with bright colors that offer flowers almost all year round, although it finds its peak in the spring and summer seasons like all the others.
Also, some varieties bloom in the coldest months, the winter cyclamen, which also has various bright colors.
Besides, any variety of this plant exists in normal size and in small size.
The Rhododendron
It is an ideal plant for winter, not only because throughout the year it maintains the green of the leaves that make up its shrub, but also because it is one of the first plants to flower it does so between January and February, in the full cold.
A gift to color the garden with the showiness of its flowers.
The only care necessary so that the ravages of winter do not affect you too much is to plant it in a place protected from frost (or, for example, cover the bush with a plant-specific thermal garden blanket).
Able to hold even 10 degrees below the thermometer, Abelia is a beautiful flowering shrub characterized precisely by the slight honey smell of its white flowers.
Although these are not wintery (rather, their flowering begins in spring and lasts until late fall), the presence of their intense green leaves will accompany you throughout the year.
A plant that lives up to its name. Because if Durillo stands out for something, it is precise because of its hardness.
Resistant to the cold (down to -15 degrees) and undemanding in all aspects of its cultivation (soil, irrigation and light needs), it is an ideal shrub to enjoy its presence throughout the year.
Added, it is also flowering in the cold months so from midwinter to spring it is possible to enjoy its variegated white flowers.