
Pig Poisoning Symptoms

We might suppose pigs can eat anything, but in reality some things are toxic to pigs, and it is good for anyone who handles pigs to know about them.

Pig poisoning symptoms:The symptoms of poisoning are different for each type of substance that might be toxic to them. Some common symptoms include a change in their breathing pattern or rate; a change in their pulse rate, or an increase in the rate of urination. 

Symptoms also include twitching in their arms or legs; restlessness, low body temperature; abdominal spasms, dilated pupils, or a staggering gait. 

Pig handlers should call the veterinarian as soon as they see these symptoms. If they know which substance was eaten, they should let the veterinarian know. (

What Poison Kills Pigs?

Rat poison (also called warfarin) can be toxic to pigs. Since this substance acts to dissolve clots, if pigs eat it, they can begin bleeding from their anuses and mouths and can quickly get sores that open and bleed. 

Salt poisoning (see below) also has the potential to kill pigs if it is not quickly and correctly reversed. 

In some cases, when there is an excess of feral pigs in the area, a decision may be made to eliminate them humanely. 

Current experiments have shown sodium nitrate, placed in a pig bait, can be used to cause a quick and relatively humane death. 

What Type of Poisoning Are Pigs Most Susceptible To?

Mycotoxins (poisons produced by molds) are very common in pigs. These toxins are common because their molds are often found in feed bins. 

Warmer weather conditions can make this poisoning more likely because mold grows in warm conditions. Because it is so easy for molds to grow in feed bins, this is the toxin most pigs are susceptible to. 

What Are the Symptoms of Salt Poisoning in Pigs?

Salt is present in some types of wet pig food. Salt is toxic to pigs when they eat high amounts of it.

Pigs can also get salt poisoning by not drinking enough water. When pigs get salt toxicity, they often wander around in a very clumsy way. 

They will go on to display blindness, deafness, and bumping their heads against the wall. 

Pigs may sit upright with their lower legs on the ground, raise their noses, and point their heads backward. Then, they will fall on their sides. 

When they are on their sides, they will have spasms that will shake their whole bodies. When the spasms stop, they begin wandering again. 

Can a Pig Recover from Salt Toxicity?

If you see the above symptoms, you should suspect salt toxicity. Although the symptoms are similar to dehydration (and even if you know the salt toxicity was caused by insufficient water), you should not allow the pigs to drink water too quickly because they could retain the water, which could make the condition worse. 

If pigs develop salt toxicity, you can give the pig very small amounts of water on a frequent basis, and watch them carefully. It is possible for the pig to recover by following this method. 

However, to be safe, you should call the vet immediately if you suspect salt toxicity. 

Can Pigs Be Poisoned?

If a pig eats any waste that is produced by the brewing process, they are at risk for alcohol poisoning.

Another substance harmful to pigs is coal tar. Coal tar can be found in paints and solvents. When pigs smell coal tar, they are attracted to it. If they eat things that contain it, it will damage their liver.

Many types of weeds and herbs are toxic to pigs. Ivy, acorns. Rhododendron and nightshade are also toxic to pigs. 

Pigs can also have a toxic reaction to insecticides, industrial cleaning fluids, and human medications. 

Can a Pig Be Poisoned by a Snake?

Adult pigs are resistant to snake venom. Zoologists believe this is because snake venom contains A-neurotoxin, and pigs have a genetic mutation in their cells that makes that specific neurotoxin harmless. 

Although, they do not experience the full effect of this mutation until they are adults. Adult pigs are often seen attacking snakes near their pens. 

They do this to protect the younger pigs from the snakes. 

Can Pigs Eat Poison Ivy?

There is some debate about this. Some studies have reported that a pig is the only animal other than humans to be affected by poison ivy.

The oil in the poison ivy plant (urushiol) is believed to cause a rash in a pig.

 However, some pig experts say that pigs enjoy eating poison ivy, and that it is not harmful to them. Some farmers have used their pigs to clear poison ivy from their fields.

What to Do If Your Pig Eats Poison?

Call the veterinarian immediately. As noted above, many things are harmful to a pig, and they all have different treatments. 

A veterinarian will be able to give you the best advice. Don’t induce vomiting until you call the veterinarian. If you cannot reach a vet, call the nearest office of the ASPCA. 

What to Do If Your Pig Ate Rat Poison?

Rat poison is toxic to pigs and often results in death. The antidote to rat poison is Vitamin K. 

It can sometimes prevent death from eating substances that contain rat poison. As with all potentially or actively toxic agents, you should call the veterinarian to be safe.

Conclusion: Pig Poisoning Symptoms

Pigs are vulnerable to being poisoned by some of the things they may eat. Pigs have no awareness of what they should not eat. Molds that can get into pigs’ food bins can produce toxins that are very toxic to pigs. 

There are many weeds and herbs that are harmful to pigs. Adult pigs do not appear to be affected by snake venom.

Rat poison can be fatal to pigs. A condition called salt toxicity can also be fatal to pigs. There is a substance called sodium nitrate; that can provide a humane death to feral pigs