What can you put on top of a septic field?
A septic tank or septic tank is essentially a container for the discharge of household wastewater from places where it is not possible to connect to a drainage system. The effluent from the pit is sent to the subsoil through an absorption system.
Tank function
First: The septic tank consists of two compartments, in the first, the effluents are degraded and solubilized by the action of anaerobic bacteria (unicellular organisms), diluted solids are separated from liquids, with the evolution of gases, this process occurs with decantation and accumulation of organic matter.
Second: The effluent comes into contact with the air and the aerobic bacteria act, after this process, it is assumed that the pathogenic germs are eliminated and the waters can be evacuated after about six to ten days, without danger to the environment.
An important element in these tanks, from the construction point of view, lies in the need for the pipes to drain directly to the bottom inside the liquid that accumulates, to prevent the mixture from beating.
Septic tanks can have bacteriological filters that help clean sewage. The dimensioning of the wells depends on the type of water to be treated and the contributions, which depend on the family nucleus.
What you shouldn’t do
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You must be aware that what you throw down the drain can damage your system. Don’t throw away toilet paper, feminine cleansing products, condoms or disposable diapers.
By using some disinfectants, ammonia, and cleaners it is unlikely to cause significant damage to your system, avoid cleaning with too many chemicals, especially chlorine.
Never pour chemical debris cleaners, paint, motor oil, pesticides, poisons, or chemicals into your drain pipes. Minimize the use of the garbage disposal and do not put grease, car oil or coffee beans inside.
How can we empty a septic tank?
Depending on the use of the septic tank, when the mud level is approximately half the well, part of the pit must be emptied periodically to remove the layers of grease and floating elements, in addition to removing accumulated sludge.
It is not recommended to remove all the mud, but only 80% since it is necessary for the purification of the well to be activated once we close it.
It is recommended that this type of task be carried out by professionals since it can be dangerous and can even cause the death of the operator due to the toxic and flammable gases contained in the pit.
Tips for the maintenance and emptying of a septic tank:
Carrying out the emptying of a septic tank on a regular basis will be beneficial since we will prevent them from leaking.
Some tips that we must take into account when carrying out the maintenance of a septic tank are:
1. The installation must be in an ideal place so that we avoid problems in the future. A prior tip before installing a septic tank is to analyze the soil and confirm that it will support a septic system.
2. We should not use the toilet to eliminate waste, that is, we should not throw diapers, napkins, tampons, wet towels or other elements, as they can lead to a blockage in the septic tank.
3. We must not overload the septic tank or the drainage area. To prevent an overload from occurring, preventing spills from taps.
4. Don’t pour grease into the septic drain because you can prevent the soil from absorbing the liquids.
5. Place the septic tank away from the trees to avoid damage to the roots.
6. It is advisable to divert rainwater from the septic drainage area because if this area is soaked it will not absorb and neutralize liquid waste.
7. Do not use strong cleaners, as you can also kill good bacteria and solids will not decompose properly.
8. Try not to spill harmful chemicals like varnish, solvents or paint because they are a danger to groundwater.
9. Perform maintenance on a regular basis, as a septic tank must be watched regularly to avoid any future problems.
10. Protect the drainage system from possible damage, it is not recommended to drive or plant grass on it, since it is not recommended because we can break the cover and that there are gas leaks and a serious problem occurs.
What can you put on top of a septic field?
If you are one of the people who likes to have your patio or garden full of plants, it should be important that despite having a septic field at home you want your patio or garden to look beautiful.
So I leave you a list of plants that you can plant on top of your septic field to make it look amazing.
1.Andropogon gerardii (Big Bluestem)
It is a species of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family.
This species is tolerant of a wide range of soils. Depending on the soil and humidity conditions, it reaches a size of 1-3 meters in height.
The bluestem is a perennial grass plant. The stem base turns blue or purple because it matures. The seed heads have three herringbone projections.
The roots are deep, and the plants have strong rhizomes, making a very strong lawn. It blooms in the summer and seeds in the fall.
It will develop best in soils with acidic, neutral or alkaline pH. Its underground part will grow vigorously in supports with a sandy texture, these can generally be kept dry or wet.
Irrigation must be adapted to an intermediate point (trying to keep the soil moisture stable). An interesting aspect to comment on is that it does not tolerate waterlogging, so the planting area must be very well drained.
As for its lighting needs, we can affirm that it is very demanding, it can only be placed in a place with direct exposure to the sun so as not to adversely affect its growth in a normal way.
2.Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama)
It is an herbaceous plant belonging to the grass family, specifically to the genus Calamagrostis.
It is a perennial plant that reaches a size of up to 1 m tall, more or less widely tufted, sometimes with rhizomes or stolons. The leaves are mostly concentrated towards the base of the plant.
3.Carex elata (Golden Sedge)
It is a species of herbaceous plant belonging to the family of the ciperáceas.
It is a densely tussock plant, with a robust strain that forms large clumps, although it can develop rhizomes with internodes of several centimeters.
It will perform best in soils with acidic, neutral, alkaline, or very alkaline pH. Its underground part will grow vigorously in supports with a sandy, loamy or clayey texture, these can generally be kept wet or soaked.
With the previous information, we must adapt the irrigation, seeking to maintain a constant level of humidity in the soil, taking into account its texture, exposure to the sun, environmental humidity, temperature, etc.
Regarding its lighting needs, we can affirm that it is moderately demanding, it can be placed in a place with semi-shade or with direct exposure to the sun without distinction.
4.Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania Sedge)
It is a species of plants belonging to the Poaceae family.
This plant will do best in acid, neutral, alkaline or highly alkaline pH soils. Its underground part will grow vigorously in supports with a sandy, loamy or clayey texture, these can generally be kept wet or soaked.
It is important to adapt the irrigation seeking to maintain a constant level of humidity in the soil taking into account its texture, exposure to the sun, environmental humidity, temperature, etc.
Regarding sun exposure, we can affirm that it is moderately demanding, it can be placed in a place with half shade or with direct exposure to the sun without distinction.
5.Muhlenbergia capillaries (Pink Muhly Grass)
It is a perennial herb native to North America, where it grows in sandy or rocky forests and in clearings, usually in groups. It reaches a height of 30 to 90 centimeters by 60 to 90cm wide.
The leaves, which sprout in autumn (from September to October, usually in the northern hemisphere) are linear, flat, green in color. The flowers are grouped into inflorescences in the form of panicles or pink spikelets.
It is a plant that has to be outdoors, in full sun or in half shade. It is not invasive, but it is advisable that, if you have it in the garden, no ‘weak’ or / or small herbaceous plants are planted next to it to prevent them from getting lost.
Irrigation has to be rather moderate. The Muhlenbergia capillaris does not need much water to be fully satiated. In principle, with about 3 weekly irrigations in summer and 1-2 weeks the rest of the year will have enough.
6.Oplismenus undulatifolius:
It is a species of perennial herb in the Poaceae family that is native to South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Southern Africa.
It is a perennial plant with shallow roots with stolons that can grow up to several feet in length. The leaves of wintering plants turn brown and dead, but in the spring, new growth begins at the top knots of the stolons.
This species grows particularly well in humid and shady environments, in a variety of soil types.
7.Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem):
it is a species of grass, of the Panicoideae subfamily, endemic to Canada, USA. USA, Mexico.
8.Agapanthoideae (Lily of the Nile):
They are herbaceous, rhizomatous plants, quite robust, native to South Africa, which can be easily recognized by their ribbed, flat and quite fleshy leaves.
The flowers are large, blue or white. Its flowering is very long, and it can remain on the plant for almost two months. Although it blooms from May to September, its best flowering time is from the second half of August.
the care of the Agapanthus africanus is really simple because it is a very rustic plant. These can be summarized in:
Location: In full sun, although a little shade does not displease either.
Soils: Prefers fertile, well-drained soils.
Irrigation: Newspapers in the summer and a distance in the winter period.
Climate: It supports temperatures down to -15ºC although it loses its leaves at -8ºC.
Resistant to: Drought, pollution and the marine environment.
9. Allium spp (Ornamental Onions):
Allium is the genus of onions, garlic, leeks, and chives. They are resistant to the outside in summer in warm areas but need a greenhouse to avoid frost.
It also needs well-drained soil. It can affect thrips, stem eels, and rust fungus.
10.Anemone spp (Anemone / Windflowers):
These plants are perennial herbs with a very extensive underground tuberous stem. They present more or less deeply cleft leaves.
The flowers are located at the smallest ends of elongated stems, with one, or several, of white, red, blue, or rarely yellow.
The flowers have an involucre with three smaller leaves below and above each flower.
They are best reared in clayey soil, enriched with well-decomposed compost, which should be loose under the tubers. In cultivation, they are easily obtained from sowing seeds.
11.Colchicum spp (Autumn Crocus)
Plants that always announce the arrival of autumn. It contains around 60 species of perennial phanerogamic plants that grow from corms. It comes from East Asia and part of the Mediterranean coast. It has an alkaloid that makes it toxic.
Bulbous perennial herbaceous plant with a 15-30 cm stem. Its leaves are broad and obtuse. In addition, its flowers are tube-shaped, quite long, and with six equal divisions of 6-7 cm of intense purple-pink color and spotted with yellow in the throat.
It can be in full sun or semi-shade. Irrigation must be frequent, not copious; it is important that the ground always has a good degree of humidity.
It produces purple, pink or white flowers that appear between September or October in their native latitudes. After flowering, it forms a rosette of dark green leaves.
12.Crocosmia spp. (Montbretia):
is a small genus of perennial and bulbous species in the Iridaceae family, native to the grasslands of the Cape Province in South Africa. It is also found in abundance throughout the Paraná Delta, Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
These are perennial herbs 30 to 100 cm tall, with deciduous or persistent foliage, which grow from small, globose corms.
They present colorful inflorescences of 4 to 20 flowers, which are hermaphrodite, zygomorphic, sessile and are arranged subopposed in a branched scape. The flowers are brightly colored, from orange to scarlet red.
The soil should be very well drained to prevent the bulb from rotting and have enough organic matter. Water moderately throughout the year, slightly increasing the water supply during the flowering period.
Crocosmias need exposure in full sun or with a little time in the shade and protected from the wind.
13.Crocus spp
Crocus is a genus of perennial bulbous plants in the Iridaceae family. With more than 80 species, the genus is widely distributed in North Africa, Asia, and Europe.
they require normal rather sandy garden soil. Crocus adapts to cold gardens. Protect them in winter, covering them with dry leaves or peat. They also need moderate watering.
14.Dahlia spp:
it is a herbaceous and lively plant. It has tuberous roots, erroneously considered tubers. It has strong and erect stems. The leaves are opposite, simple or pinnate, with ovate leaflets, pointed ends and a jagged margin.
The most interesting are the flowers, ligulate, which can be single or double, with a multitude of shapes and colors that sometimes mix. It blooms profusely from summer to autumn.
Dahlias need a lot of sun. The soil must be well fertilized and drained so that the water does not stagnate and conserves moisture. During the flowering time the plant needs more food and more water.
15. Endymion hispanica (Spanish Bluebell):
It is a small bulbous plant that barely exceeds 30 cm in height. It has fine linear leaves of bright green color. The flowers appear in pyramidal clusters, are tube-shaped and are usually blue, although there are varieties of pink or white. They bloom in the second half of spring.
Well-drained soil based on normal garden soil with some siliceous sand and peat is sufficient. Irrigation should be regular but with little water.
It is preferable to wait for the soil to dry before watering as it fears excess water. It will thrive well in full sun or half shade exposure. They can withstand dry shade exposure.
16.Acanthus mollis (Bear’s Breech):
It is a plant native to the African and Asian steppes; acclimatized in the Mediterranean gardens since the time of the ancient Greeks, whose leaves have left us represented in the Corinthian capitals.
With the soil the Acanthus is not a demanding plant. Once a year, when the foliage has lost, it is convenient to make a soil amendment (fertilize it with manure and mix it well). The land has to have good drainage.
It needs humidity but without the soil puddling. From when it sprouts again until the ears emerge, add once a month a mineral fertilizer mixed with irrigation.
Its ideal situation is in the shade. It forms dense groups so that together with walls and walls it is a good site.
17.Aquilegia spp:
Perennial plant of small size, its bearing is usually about 50 centimeters high. Its leaves are lobed composed of three leaflets and light green.
Flowering begins in late spring or early summer and is very striking, both for the variety of monocolor or bicolor shades that combine between pink, blue, violet, white or reddish, among others, as well as the hanging trumpet shape or erect.
It is about 6 or 7 centimeters in diameter and the sepals behind the petals contain very characteristic spurs.
It is also used as a cut flower due to the long duration of the cut flower stems in a container with water and plenty of light.
We will locate aquilegia in a fertile, light and well-drained substrate in a semi-shade exhibition. It does not bear cold weather well, in case of growing it in climates of cold winters we must safeguard it and protect it as much as possible.
We must always keep moisture in the ground without reaching excess water or leaving the substrate to dry completely between waterings.
It does not require a lot of maintenance, only when the flower wilts, removing it will encourage additional blooming.
18. Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem):
it is a species of grass, of the Panicoideae subfamily, endemic to Canada, USA. USA, Mexico.
The plant needs supplemental water in the early stages of establishment, but is self-sufficient thereafter, except in severe droughts.
It tends to fall asleep without humidity, so the best appearance is preserved with weekly watering, especially those plants in containers.
19 .Type tenuissima:
This is a herbaceous plant with a perennial cycle, that is, it lives for several years, originating in South America, being found especially in Mexico.
It is a plant that has to be outside, in full sun, since otherwise it will not develop as it should. In addition, due to the size it reaches, if you are going to have it in the garden it is important that you plant it at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from other plants.
The frequency of irrigation must be moderate; that is, it is not necessary to water every day but it is also not convenient to let the soil or the substrate dry completely.
20.Aspidistra elatior:
It is a species of rhizomatous plants belonging to the family of asparagáceas. It is native to Japan and widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.
Aspidistra elatior is a species of rhizomatous plant belonging to the family of asparagáceas. It is native to Japan and widely cultivated as an ornamental plant.
For your cultivation, the ideal substrate is a mixture of equal parts peat, garden soil and leaf soil that retains moisture and provides good drainage.
The Aspidistra should be placed in a shady place because the direct sun makes it yellow and lose its ornamental value. The Aspidistras are ideal for decorating entrances and patios in low light.
Irrigation should keep it moist but not puddled. If it is watered sparingly the leaves narrow.
other plants:
-Astilbe x arendsii (Astilbe)
-Begonia grandis (Hardy Begonia)
-Bergenia cordifolia (Heartleaf Bergenia)
-Brunnera macrophylla (Siberian Bugloss)
-Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (Plumbago)
-Chelone oblique (Turtlehead)
-Chrysogonum virginianum (Green and Gold)
-Cimicifuga spp. (Bugbane/Cohosh)
-Convallaria majalis (Lily-of-the-Valley)
-Cyclamen spp. (Hardy Cyclamen)
-Dicentra spp. (Bleeding Heart)
-Digitalis spp. (Foxglove)
-Epimedium spp. (Barrenwort)
-Ferns (most)
-Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff)
-Geranium maculatum (Cranesbill Geranium)
-Gillenia trifoliate (Bowman’s Root)
-Helleborus foetidus (Bearfoot Hellebore)
-Helleborus orientalis (Lenten Rose)
-Heuchera spp. (Coral Bells)
-Hosta spp. (Plantain Lily)
-Phlox stolonifera (Creeping Woodland Phlox)
-Polygonatum spp. (Solomon’s Seal)
-Primula spp. (Primrose)
-Pulmonaria spp. (Lungwort)