The African Daisies Flower are plants very similar to daisies, and hence the common name of African Daisies.
Botanical Name Osteospermum x hybrida
Common Name African Daisy, Blue-eyed Daisy, Cape Daisy, Osteo
Plant Type Tender perennials or half-hardy perennials; generally grown as annuals
Mature Size 12 to 36 inches high and 12 to 24 inches wide
Sun Exposure Full sun, although the cool-season bloomers appreciate some shade in hot weather
Soil Type Acidic soil
Soil pH 5 to 5.5
Bloom Time May through fall
Flower Color Many, including lavender, pink, white, yellow, and bi-color
Hardiness Zones 9 or 10
Native Area Africa and the Southwestern Arabian peninsula1
So get ready to learn about the care and tips for growing them
The African Daisies Flower is a plant that in height will not exceed 65 centimeters, but in terms of surface, it can extend and cover about two meters of soil perfectly.
It also has very characteristic grayish foliage and a soft fuzz on the underside.
If we plant it in a planter at a height, we can use it as a waterfall since at height it will not grow much but will expand by dropping its leaves.
How to care for the African Daisies Flower
It is recommended first of all to prepare the soil where they will be planted, this can be done by raking and applying some sand so that it resembles the conditions of its natural environment for two reason, one it makes the soil heat faster and two the lightens.
You can sow the seeds using a seedbed spacious enough so that the plants are not mistreated when it comes time to transplant.
Bury the seeds protecting them from sunlight, do it in mid-spring and try to keep the temperature between 20º and 22º, the soil should be barely moist and if all this is done correctly, germination should take place in about 20 days.
When transplanting, try to place each African Daisies Flower at least 30 centimeters apart, wait for the temperatures to stabilize to make the change from the seedbed to the soil in the garden or pot.
Once the plant reaches 10 centimeters, prune them so that they grow more robust, dense and strong.
It is recommended that the substrate where the plant is going to be sown is rather light and with good drainage, for which it would be good to add a part of coarse sand and peat to the soil; this way, once the roots are well supported, the African Daisies Flower will be ready to tolerate the occasional extreme situation, such as a temporary drought.
If the soil is extremely humid the African Daisies Flower will be damage, in short, under unfavorable conditions it is more likely to thrive unlike when there is too much humidity.
It has the capacity to tolerate temperatures of up to -7º centigrade, if it has been cultivated in a pot, protect it from lower temperatures, protecting them from the cold, or if they are found in the garden, keep them with abundant dead leaves covering it.
Try to give your plant the sun, if it is direct much better since this favors flowering and keep it out of the reach of freezing winds.
Apply moderate watering in order to favor flowering, do it twice a week at most, unless the climate is high temperatures, in any case, verify that the substrate remains slightly humid.
Add fertilizer for floral plants, every 15 days.
Pruning is recommended before winter and when the plants are sheltered from or after low temperatures, always remove dead flowers so that new ones are born.
The African Daisies Flower grows up to approximately 60 centimeters, its stem rises vertically and, just as its leaves are smooth in texture, the plant tends to spread sideways, covering the surface as if it were a flowery carpet.
Its flowers are large and showy, usually very light yellow above that changes to reddish on the opposite side, the center of the flower is black, however, it is possible to see a variety of colors in those that are hybrid.
Its foliage is a shade that resembles gray with a kind of soft lint on the reverse; once the plant reaches its maximum height, it begins to expand to the sides and can cover surfaces of up to 2 meters around it.
Just to make sure remember this.
African daisies like bright light. The blooms close up at night and don’t open during cloudy or overcast weather. If you are planning on planting them and want to enjoy the blooms at night, you might want to consider another flower.
Although drought tolerant once established, African daisies still need at least 1 inch of water per week to grow their best. During periods of drought or intense heat, the plants will slow down and go dormant. Keep the plants well-watered and deadheaded and they will resume blooming when the weather cools.
Temperature and Humidity
During periods of drought, be prepared for the plants to gradually cease blooming and go dormant. Cut them back and keep them watered. They should resume blooming in the fall.
Reproduction by seeds
We must place the seeds undercover at a temperature of around 20 degrees. It will take 10 days to germinate.
Several sowings can be done on different dates to distribute the flowering.
Something to keep in mind is that African Daisies Flower seeds are only viable for 2 to 3 years, so it is very important that you check the date
of seed envelopes.
Reproduction by cuttings.
To create new plants from cuttings, we will take tender, non-flower buds, ideally in spring, although depending on the type of weather, we could also do it in summer. From spring to autumn, they collect young non-flower buds.
Before planting, we will remove the leaves from the base and place the cuttings in small pots in a shady area. We will keep the soil slightly humid until we notice signs of growth. As always, we can use some rooting hormone to increase our success.
Also known as Arctotis, the African Daisies Flower is native to South Africa, where the soil is dry, stony and sandy; even so the plant is perennial.
Although it is true that in its natural environment its foliage is maintained throughout the year, in other regions the African daisy is cultivated annually; Also, its ornamental flower is ideal for places where the land is arid, it maintains very well in areas adjacent to the sea and it is normal to see it in flower beds, pots and small gardens.