
How Many Times a Day Should I Feed My Rabbit?

Rabbits love to eat; if it were up to them, they would eat the entire day, particularly if the food has lots of greens and is fresh. The proper care of rabbits starts with what they eat; some times, rabbits have problems with their intestinal tract, teeth, and molars due to incorrect feeding. To properly care for a rabbit is essential to recognize whats the best food for your rabbit, but it is also important to know what their daily feeding rhythms and intervals are like.

How many times a day should I feed my rabbit? In general, Rabbits should eat twice a day; at noon, they should eat hay, combining it with vegetables, and for dinner, you can give them rabbit feed. But I recommend rabbits having access to hay at all times.

We feed our rabbits with Vitamin Fortified rabbit food, to keep them healthy and happy. You can get a 5-pound bag very cheap on Amazon, we highly recommend it.

What time should I feed my rabbit?

The time itself does not matter so much, but I recommend that you have a fixed schedule in the morning and in the afternoon.

Can I feed my rabbit once a day?

Technically speaking, a rabbit can survive temporarily by eating once a day, but this is not recommended since its health will be affected over time.

 It is recommended that it eat at least two times a day, and the best thing would be to have hay available at all times during the day.

How much should I feed my rabbit?

Rabbits eat according to their age and development. Let’s looked at the appropriate amounts of food according to the different chronological categories. 

Because a baby rabbit drinks milk, but adult rabbits can eat large quantities of food. 

How much to feed a baby rabbit?

During the first 3 weeks of your rabbit’s life, they will only breastfeed.

From the fourth week, you can start giving them pellets and a little alfalfa

During the 2 and 3 months, you can give them large amounts of hay and 2 tablespoons of pellets.

From the fourth month, start introducing small amounts of vegetables a day (one type of vegetable at a time), such as carrot leaves or endive.

When the rabbit is 6 months old, the daily vegetables should represent 10% of its weight.

You should give young rabbits only a few handfuls of pellets a day. 

Vegetables will increase, while feed will decrease. 

You can give it between 2% and 4% of its body weight, or 25 g of pellets for every kilo that the rabbit weighs. 

Vegetables, increasingly green, such as radish leaves, grass, and endive. 

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How much to feed an adult rabbit?

In the first year, your rabbit will feed in more significant quantities. 

You can put between 50 and 80 g of pellets daily, but continue to give him all his daily vegetables occupying between 5% and 6% of his body weight. 

Let’s say 150 g of hay, 100 g of vegetables, and 30 g of rabbit feed per rabbit.

With fruits keep it under 3 times a week for the rest of its life.

How much hay do rabbits eat in a month?

It really depends on the rabbit and his preferred type of food and how much you allow him to eat. 

If it’s your first time feeding a rabbit is always good to have enough food for your first month and after you can adjust. 

But in general, 20 to 30 lbs of hay will get you through the month. 

How much pellets to feed a baby rabbit?

A small baby rabbit will feed only on its mother’s milk for about the first three weeks. 

After this time, you can feed no more than 1/8 cup per day for every four pounds of rabbits. 

Be aware that and adult rabbits need lets pellets and more hay and vegetables

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What do rabbits eat and drink?

Remember that the rabbit diet is based on pellets, constant vegetables, fresh hay and oatmeal, and plenty of freshwaters. 

Like I said previously, we feed our rabbits vitamin-fortified rabbit food, it’s full of nutrition and keeps our rabbits healthy and happy.

But if you want more details, keep reading.

What vegetables can rabbits eat?

Vegetables allowed: Swiss chard, celery, chicory, watercress, lamb’s lettuce, endive, green beans (without seeds), bell pepper, endives, borage, artichoke, arugula, cucumber, carrot and beet greens, Chinese cabbage, clover, and dandelion .

They have a great nutritional value; they should be given at least one serving of vegetables a day. 

The right thing to do is to make small salads, in which at least 3 different types of raw vegetables are mixed. 

The most suitable are green leafy vegetables, although other vegetables or herbs can be added less.

They can also be given in moderation: spinach, cabbage, tomato, broccoli, carrot, lettuce (green leaves only), fresh aromatic herbs (parsley, mint, basil, oregano, fennel, spearmint, mint, sage, basil, coriander, marjoram)

What not to feed rabbits?

In general, seeds will be avoided: nuts, legumes, and cereals.

Nor will you give them dog or cat food, cooked food, meat, cheese, and dairy products in general, canned fruit, or syrup.

Vegetables and fruit will always be raw.

As an exception to this rule, they can be given in very small quantities: 

Raw unsalted pumpkin or sunflower seeds, raw unsalted almonds, walnuts, unsweetened flaked oats or barley.

Conclusion: How many times a day should I feed my rabbit?

Rabbits should always have hay and water available.

They appreciate a regular schedule in the rest of their meals; the ideal is to feed them 2 times per day at a fixed time.

A rabbit should eat a day a: minimum of150 g of hay, 100 g of vegetables, and 30 g of rabbit feed per rabbit.

If your pet does like to eat feed, you can increase the amount of vegetables and hay.

These amounts are a reference, each rabbit is different, so it is essential to control its weight by weighing it on a scale weekly. 

Ask your vet what your rabbit’s ideal weight is to determine exactly what it needs to weigh.